Saturday, January 18, 2020

Word of the year

2020.. feels crazy to actually type that. It hard to believe it is actually here. 
 I am person who loves a fresh start, a time to hit reset. 2020 is not only a new year , but a new decade.  I wanted my word for this new year, this begining of a new decade to be a good one. With lots of reflection from 2019 , my  word is mindfulness.

Mindfullness: the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.

This year we took on homeschooling. I had so many nerves going into this new adventure for my family. I stopped teaching group fitness classes at the gym so that I could be home more . I thought that since we would be home everyday I could re brand my business, teach private yoga classes, teach homeschool yoga classes, build my lifestyle photographing business and have all the amazing homeschool adventures. Are you laughing yet? What can I say it is the enegram 7 in me. Oh the whole FOMO thing became real to me , real fast . As the school year unfolded and I tried to do it all, I soon realized I was sinking. I spent so many days filled with guilt and disapointment that we hadn't made our fall garden or I only had one yoga class on the books. Then the holidays hit and I just wanted to stay in my pajamas and watch movies all day and not leave my house ( that would be the enegram 9 in me). When the holidays were over and I was sitting looking at my Christmas tree that was nearly dead. I reflected on what went wrong and the word mindfullness came to mind.
Rather than trying to do it all, have it all, be it all.. why not just be aware of what is going on right now in front of me and not wish it was different. Enjoying the good moments and when they pass, let them pass and move on. And when it gets tough , work through it , knowing it wont be forever . 
I want to slow down and have JOMO, thats right. Joy of missing out. In the morning when I wake up, I get up , I dont let myself look at my phone until I have had quiet time reading or praying , journaling. It has been a simple change that I used to be pretty good at , but this year I let it slip . I have noitced starting my day looking at socials, checking my email , starts me off with FOMO and man alive , it wastes so much presious quiet time. 
I want to be mindful and enjoy the food I eat , not zoning out and scrolling because pre alegrbra is hard to explain. 
I want to be fully present when I am talking with people and really take in what they are saying. 
I want to take a deep breath in nature and enjoy it.
And I want to laugh at myself and let go of all the things , and be present.

As you read this I hope it encourages you , let the JOMO in.. Or whatever it is your body needs this year. I encourage you to take time and listen to your body, reflect , and listen to what it needs.

May you have a blessed and healthy 2020.

These photos are from our recent trip to Sedona Arizona. It was my family's first time , so beautiful!! Great hiking and great food!

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