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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

My yoga journey

Hello , I saw a great quote today and made me think of my own yoga journey . A little over 10 years ago I was at 24 hour fitness and saw a flier on the wall asking for group fitness instructors. At the time , I enjoyed working out, I loved going to spin, step, weight classes.  I was waiting tables supporting my husband while he put himself thru school. Teaching fitness sounded super fun.
 Fast forward 12 years and it still is!! I started teaching spin, and various weight classes. I am an energy person, I love high intensity workouts, I love a great sweat. Yoga then to me seemed so boring, I never stayed for a yoga class. I thought how could that be a good workout. Around three years ago my mom begged me to go to a yoga class in a cute studio in old town, out of a gym. At this point in my life, I was running and cycling and noticing how tight and sore my legs were always. So I talked my best friend into going with me and we tried this yoga class. I literally laughed out loud at how "un flexible"  I was. I remember the instructor telling me , I was just strong and its ok. I thought yah right, I am not built for yoga. I wanted to quit. But she encouraged me to try it again, and that running and spinning over time with out yoga would do wear and tear on my knees and back. Her class was upbeat and fun, she was (is) a kick in the pants AND she also taught spin, so we instantly connected. Her class changed my view on yoga. As my friend and I continued to show up, we laughed at each other and I became the comic relief with my facial expressions when we did stretches for hips( tight hips..) Then it happened, over a few months, I fell in love with Yoga. My hips became less tight, my triceps became stronger and I could do poses I thought I never could. I was that non flexible, horrible balance, used a bunch of blocks, girl ,who would fall over all the time. Then my ADD in my brain began to decrease, I stoped drinking caffeine through the day, I stopped lifting weights , I started sleeping better. I noticed a change in my body how I looked and felt. And all because I was doing yoga, seriously.

I am sharing this because I hear all the time
"I am not flexible"
"Yoga is boring and not a good workout"
" I have horrible balance"

 My friends, this was me, for real. 
And now I teach it! I still run some, I still teach spin, but now I do yoga all the time. 
I heard this quote today and thought of all who are to nervous to try yoga.

Yoga is for everyone, not just for the flexible or the girl who used to dance when she was young. It is for you and me, tight hips, awkward , bad balanced. Yoga brings you out of your comfort zone but in a safe way. It stretches you.. ha ha get it? No but for reals , let go of your expectations , and allow your body and breath to come together to help care for your body. 
If you like a sweat and a bit more of a workout, try hot yoga. If you are in a season in your life where you are tense, try restorative yoga. If you have issues with your wrists, there is chair yoga. Yoga is now everywhere and for all levels. Just do it! 

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