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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Adult ADD

This photo has nothing to do with ADD really. Except when I look at this beautiful lake God created ( Lake Tahoe) it makes me be in awe of how grateful I am to be able to hike and be adventurous.

Ok I will back up a bit. What is ADD .. Attention Deficit Disorder. Not hyper active so much but a problem with focus and memory(for me). There are some people who would argue and say that this is a made up condition, or one that is over diagnosed. For me it truly is something I have dealt with my entire life. When I was a young adult I took myself to psychiatrist and then went on prescription drugs. You name it, I pretty much was on all of them. When I became pregnant with my son 11 years ago I decided to stop taking them, then went back on when I was done nursing. One day I woke up and decided I no longer wanted to take them anymore. It was so hard for my body. I so wish then I knew about essential oils, because I really struggled. Luckily I was a mom and then I got pregnant again and motherhood was keeping me pretty busy. 

I have always found relief in exercise. I have been teaching group fitness for 10 years now and I love it. It truly helps me focus.
Exercise tip: Make it fun
If you have ADD , running on treadmill or doing the elipital is torture. Group fit classes are my favorite! I have also done handfuls of 5ks ( mud run, color run, electric, foam) I get a group of friends together. It is a blast. I have done 2 half marathons and 2 sprint triathlons, again things I never thought possible. But I searched out fun ones, like the disney half marathon. My triathlons I did with my dad in beautiful San Diego ( highly recommend, Tri Rock series).
Exercising was good but still not helping all the way. I was drinking lots of coffee , eating too much sugar, and of course that made my sleep patterns horrible. And ladies our bodies need the sleep. Once my babies were sleeping thru the night , it was a struggle to get a full nights rest. 

Next tip: Give up the coffee
Okay not completely .. I love me my cup of joe in the morning and I use cream with a tad of sugar still ( just a tad). Every day by 2pm if I did not have a cup of coffee ( americana, latte with coco milk) I would get a huge headache. It took me so many years to figure out too much caffeine made it way harder to focus.I love coffee, the smell, the taste , the atmosphere. I did not want to give it up. But  it made my blood sugar levels are out of whack. It was hard but now I do not have coffee in the afternoon and no headache, no crash, AND I sleep amazing!! 

Tip#3: Diet
Sugar,  ugg here I am a fitness instructor and I really consumed a lot of sugar in what I was eating not even realizing it. The past 4 years I have really tried to eat Clean and stay away as much as I can from sugar. *Moderation though, I still have treats here and there. But for reals sugar affects focus. Its not false! When I eat plants and protein, limited gluten, I feel way more focused!! Again why did it take me so long to figure this out??

Tip# 4 Essential Oils
This has been a life changing experience for me. 

 These are the oil/supplement I take every day

Here is my video explaining these oils/supplements

Last tip: Organize
Again took me forever to realize this. And the word organize made( still does) me  feel overwhelmed. I love being carefree and fancy not sticking to a schedule.. Well now that my kids have homework and activities and I run a small business. I HAVE to be organized. I make lists, daily then weekly. I set timers , yes never thought I would do that. I LIMIT social media , I just did a few months "cleanse" . Then I can set times aside for workout, work, house cleaning.Staying more organized makes for a happy home and a hubs that feels important.  To be honest this is what I am trying the hardest to do at the moment. It is really hard to keep it all running and making sure your  number one relationship is nurtured .

If you have ADD like me, give your self some grace. No one is perfect. Life is about a healthy balance. I hope that my tips have helped you. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about essential oils!! 

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