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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

yoga and oils

Yoga and Oils 

Hello,I am going to talk about two of my favorite things, oils and yoga! 
A little about me, I have been teaching group fitness classes for 10 years now. From the spin bike to conditioning classes and now in the last year, YOGA! I feel so fortunate that Yoga and Oils really entered my life at the same time. 

Yoga simply means “ to join”, “ to yoke” or “union”. It  is bringing the mind and body together with breath. I love this definition of yoga from Essentials of Yoga. “The purpose of yoga is to strengthen the body , calm the nervous system , bring flexibility not only to the spine but to the mind , and quiet the thoughts enough to connect the yogi more deeply to his or her spiritual center.”
Essential oils are plant extracts known for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. At Young Living we have a seed to sell process where they use a five step approach to deliver natures most potent and pure essential oils from our farms to everyone.

So there are the definitions of yoga and essential oils. How do I use them ? I use them aromatically ( diffusing or on eye pillow) which stimulates the body and brings calm and balance emotions as well as tapping into ones bodies energy level. Second is topically ( I put them on my students feet or shoulders). This immediately goes into the blood stream when applies to the largest organ of the body, the skin. 

What oils do I use? Here are my three most common ones:

Stress Away™ is the first product to contain the unique combination of Lime and Vanilla pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. With an aroma that is the perfect blend of tropical and citrus, Stress Away is uniquely relaxing and comforting.
I love stress away, I think it smells amazing! I put this on my students ankles at the end of our practice when they are in shavasana. I also will put it on their collarbone. This blend is formulated to help relieve every day stresses and tensions.  It may help to be effective in dealing with problems related to emotional balance and immune system functioning.  Win, win!!

At the beginning of class I give my class two options, Peppermint or Lavender

 I instruct them to put it on the wrists or across their foreheads. Lavender helps create a safe, peaceful and loving environment . It may help in lowering anxiety , stress , promote emotional balance , and help focus.  

I instruct them to put on top of mat, temples , or wrists. * I put a drop in my water to give me fresh breath and to help with digestion and sinus issues. Peppermint is energizing , and also soothing to sore muscles and joints.

Here is a flow I put together for you to try! 

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