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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Essential oils for face

Hello, today I made a video of some of the oils I use for my face. Here is some info about the three Young Living Essential oils I use:

Frankincense Essential Oil Uses:

  • Invite elevated spiritual experiences every day by diffusing this oil in your home or office.
  • Add Frankincense to your daytime lotion or night cream for a custom moisturizer that highlights your natural beauty.
  • Incorporate Frankincense into your yoga ritual by diffusing this oil during your routine and following up with a post-practice massage.

Manuka essential oil supports the appearance of healthy-looking skin, reduces the appearance of blemishes, and can be added to your favorite skin care products.

Carrot Seed

With many of the same constituents as the carrots from which it’s derived, Carrot Seed Vitality oil’s benefits may include supporting health and well-being.* Be sure to include a drop of Carrot Seed Vitality oil as part of your daily wellness regimen to enjoy all of its great properties.

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