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Thursday, April 6, 2017


As a yoga instructor I use this word daily. Balance.. As a wife and mother I find this word exhausting. As women today , we really are faced with doing it all, having it all , and looking it "all. For me I want to do it all, see it all, be it all. I find myself failing and then filled with guilt. Why do we do this to ourselves? I tell my daughter all the time that she is beautiful and wonderfully made, but yet I can not believe it for myself.
I have taken some time to sit, pray and really find what matters most to me. Heath and Fitness are my passions. I hope that this blog  will be an outlet as well as a place for tips and tricks. I hope as you are reading this , we can journey the " balance" journey together. I will be posting about the building of my garden, places to hike and SUP, vitamin recipes, backyard chicken raising, yoga classes, some photography tips and all things essential oils. Thank you for reading 

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