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Saturday, January 14, 2017


2017 is here!! I love the new year, I love starting fresh, making list, setting goals.
What are your goals this year? Write them down, get pretty paper and put ink to pad! 
This is the month to purge, let go, get moving.  Here are some suggestions that I am doing as well.

* clean out the cupboard, throw away all the processed junk that accumulated over the holiday break. * I have a bag I am donating to the food pantry because it is hard for me to throw away unopened items. Clean out the fridge and get rid of all the condiments you don't need.
* get moving , start with 20 minutes walking. Or if you have been exercising , go check out the group fitness classes at your gym, get your girlfriends and sign up for a 5k, GET YOUR SWEAT ON
* water, water , water.. I know its rainy and cold ( maybe snowing where you are) but you need to detox your body from the holidays. *I add one drop of lemon essential oil and one drop of grapefruit essential oil in my water everyday to help kick start my metabolism!
* make a list of what you would like to do better at.. for example I want less screen time , especially when my kids are home from school. Or meal planning.. Can you tell what my resolutions are?? The time is now.. you got this. 

Last weekend I did my level 4 training for my Yoga Fit 200hr. program. It was very challenging and defiantly out of my comfort zone. But I met some great new yogi friends and was able to learn so much from them. I am a runner and a spinner, yoga is somewhat new for me.  At times I get so frustrated that hips are too tight and I can not get into poses easily or even at all.  I get so discouraged and tell myself that I should never even teach yoga. But slowly I am learning that my hips are not tight.. they are strong. And that yoga is a journey, a beautiful one !! It's not about being uber flexible is about your mind and body and breathe.
 Life is so beautiful full of opportunities and adventure. Find your passion, find what makes your soul excited , and do it. Get rid of the clutter and you can let the good stuff in. 

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