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Thursday, May 11, 2017


Growing up I was always at the dentist, then the orthodontist. Now as a mother I am so thankful for my parents who spent the money so that I could have a healthy smile. 
As a teenager and adult I constantly bleached my teeth to get rid of the discoloring. This has made my teeth sensitive. I used to have to use expensive toothpaste and brush my teeth in warm water. About two years ago I decided to "clean up" and slowly get rid of products that are full of chemicals. My teeth were for sure nothing I thought I could go "natural" on at all. Well my friends.. It has been over a year since I have used that toothpaste and I am able to brush in cold water!! First step was I heard this thing called Oil Pulling. Oil pulling is  simply swishing or holding oil in your mouth for a short period of time. I prefer coconut oil , but people have used sesame , avocado or olive. 

In the morning when I wake up, I grab a spoonful and swish it around for about 10 minutes. Then I spit it in the trash can *do not spit in sink, over time it will damage your pipes* Then I brush my teeth.  I then go about my morning with warm lemon water and then coffee. My body has gotten used to waiting 15 or 20 minutes for coffee.. it wasn't even that bad like I had anticipated. I just start swishing and feed the dog, make the coffee, ect., it goes by fast. 
Now since I have been using Young Living essential oils I add a drop of essential oil to my coconut oil. Now I get asked this all the time.. can essential oils be ingested???
*Young Living is proud to set the standard for essential oil purity and authenticity by carefully monitoring the production of our oils through our unique Seed to Seal process. From the time the seed is sourced until the oil is sealed in the bottle, we apply rigorous quality controls to ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended.
To read more about this visit the  website . All of Young Living Essential Oils are 100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. I feel comfortable ingesting them for sure.

This bad boy is a staple in my house. I alternate between this oil and Lemon for my oil pulling. The Young Living website says this about thieves vitality oil
"With Thieves® Vitality™ you’ll have a quick and easy way to balance your busy life and your wellness. With Young Living’s Thieves Vitality essential oil you can support overall wellness and a healthy immune system* with just a few drops.

Thieves Vitality combines Lemon, Clove, Eucalyptus Radiata, Cinnamon Bark, and Rosemary essential oils to create one of our most popular products. These ingredients synergistically combine to offer one of the key benefits of Thieves Vitality oil: overall wellness and support of a healthy immune system. Additionally, Eucalyptus Radiata Vitality may also help support a healthy respiratory system when taken internally*."
Remember !!! For oil pulling do NOT swallow, just swish and spit in trash can

The second oil I use is Lemon. It is just refreshing and I have heard it can help with teeth whitening. 

So that is how I oil pull. Now I am not a dr. or dentist , just a mom who loves all things natural. Please consult your dr. or dentist if you are concerned.

I have been using a natural toothpaste I found on amazon but I just received Young Livings toothpaste and I am soon excited to try it . No more harsh toothpastes for me.. woot woot.

I also do one more thing for my teeth. I take a supplement. I take fermented cod liver oil with concentrated butter. A friend suggested it for me when I was telling her about my oral health. I am happy to say that I no longer have pain in my mouth and do not have to use warm water to brush. Radiant life says this about the product

According to the research of Dr. Weston A. Price, cod liver oil and butter oil, when taken together, provide complementary factors leading to proper essential fatty acid balance. High Vitamin Butter Oil contains arachidonic acid (AA), an omega-6 fatty acid, while cod liver oil is rich in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), an omega-3. Moreover, the saturated fatty acids in the butter oil promote efficient utilization of the unsaturated fatty acids in the cod liver oil. Finally, butter oil contains a broad and deep range of important quinones including vitamin K, E and CoQ enzymes while cod liver oil is rich in vitamin A and D.
Lets be honest , I do not oil pull every day . BUT I do take my fish oil every day. I dont burp of fish oil at all. It's great. And my mouth feels so much better. 
Now I am not getting paid for this at all. I am just simply sharing different supplements I take and things I do in my every day life that are "natural". I am just a mom on a mission to "clean up" her family. 

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