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Thursday, August 18, 2016

Homemade Vitamins

This week my kids went back to school. I feel like summer flew by   !! So it is time to get back into the groove ..
Little by little I am swithching things over to more "natural" or "clean" in my home. I am on a mission to see how many things I can make at home for my kiddos that is better for their health! On Sunday I made homemade gummy vitamins. 

It's really easy. Get some molds & a few ingredients. This recipe made four molds worth for me perfectly.
Here is my receipe :

1 1/2 cup fruit juice ( I used an organic antioxidant juice from Trader Joes)
4 Table spoons plain gelatin I use this one
*I use gelatin because it is a great source of protein, known to improve digestion and can help skin/hair/nails
2 tablespoon Elderberry syrup
*this I made in January , I keep it in my fridge for when we are sick . I put it in my vitamins because eleberry syrup is full of antioxidants and Vitamin C. I followed this recipe to make it
2 Tablespoons raw probiotic powderI like this one
2 Tablespoons Young living Ningxia red 
*Add a daily shot of NingXia Red® to your diet to enjoy the benefits of this powerful, whole-body supplement. This sweet and tangy drink’s formula includes wolfberry, which is touted for its health benefits. Also featuring plum, aronia, cherry, blueberry, and pomegranate juices and extracts, Young Living’s NingXia Red is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness
Young Living NingXia Red benefits include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health. A daily shot of 2–4 ounces helps support overall wellness with powerful antioxidants.
8 drops Young Living Orange Vitality Essential Oil

First add the juice on medium heat, then add gelatin. 
Whisk till the gelatin disolves
Then take it off heat, add remaining ingredients, whisk
Pour into molds and let harden in fridge 3-4 hours
Vitamins will be fresh for about 2 months in frige 

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